

JAPANESE PRODUCT TRANSPORTATION COST A key factor in the ability of U.S. firms to compete with J…

Metals and industries manufacturing in Europe

in 1950 to 22 percent in 1975. Industrialized, developed producers, other than the United States,…

quality control and coal industry in brief

quality control, and eventual use of nuclear energy. The direction of technological change is in…

Overview of Impact of Imports Discussions by US producer

Overview of Impact of Imports Discussions of structure are usually concerned with domestic firm…

Scrap and coking coal within US coal industry

Between 1956 and 1961, the U.S. steel industry's unit cost for scrap declined relative to …

The iron age and after 1974

Everyone expected the 30 percent to 40 percent auto slowòown in (f) irst quarter 1974 (to) make …

the iron age and its story 1973

By May 1973, the boom spread to the remainder of the steel market with heavy steels such as heav…

BLS index for steel mill products showed no change from 1971

Despite these discounts, the BLS index for steel mill products showed no change from August 1971…

stainless steel producers chose an interesting manner

Some stainless steel producers chose an interesting manner to raise prices in April 1969: An off…

Armco Steel, Inland Steel and J&L Story

rolled sheet and strip. l/ Armco Steel, Inland Steel, and Jones and Laughlin Steel off icially d…

The Bureau of Labor Statistics and Stigler-Kindahl Data

The Bureau of Labor Statistics and Stigler-Kindahl Data. Our examination of the Bureau of Labor…

Theory of pricing in steel US industry

summar~ and Conclusions The theories of pricing behavior which have been offered to explain long…

US export data

Th::Rol~~r Im~rts Table 2.24 contains data on world and United States steel trade. It is apparen…

PRICING BEHAVIOR The pricing hypotheses examined

PRICING BEHAVIOR The pricing hypotheses examined in this chapter include: (1) has the U.S. esta…

Japan and Europe pollution percentage

Japan Capital expenditures for pOllution control equipment in Japan's steel industry were $3…

Pollution control costs

POLLUTION CONTROL COSTS The costs shown in table 3.1 include some pollution control costs in rec…

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