suggestion and conclusion for skills development - references and revisions


6. Suggestions

 6.1 Policy Recommendations
According to the research results, life and career skills needed to be developed first. Therefore, educational
institutions should take this strategy to speed up the development of learning skills in the 21st century of students
in the early stages and increase their skills to be close to other skills under the existing resource limitations of
school. If there are not any resources limitations, should be developed at the same time but in different emphasis.
According to the research results, it was found that the 21st century of the students in schools under the Office of
the Basic Education Commission the suitability, possibility and benefit in all 3 strategies were at more level.
Educational institutions should put into action in order to develop learners to build up necessary skills for living in
the 21st century by putting them in school strategic plan or educational development plan, annual action plan,
projects/activities that must be carried out in every year continuously in effective and sustainable results. 

The 21st century learning skills were essential characteristics that schools must develop for their students. The
Educational Service Area Office should use the research results as a policy for the schools under the supervision to
carry out.
6.2 Suggestions for Further Research
There should be an evaluation research to monitor, evaluate the success of the implementation of the 21st
century learning skills development strategy of the students into the school in order to bring the research results
to improve, correct to get suitable strategies for the real context in the future.
The development of the 21st century learning skills of students, teachers play more important roles. Therefore,
there should be research to develop teachers to enhance learning management competency in order to develop
the 21st century learning skills.
There should be participatory action research to develop students’ skills in the 21st century to focus on each skill
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