Scholarships in Mississippi 2023 dare 500$ for US citizens


The requirements for eligibility are as follows:
• Must be a U.S. citizen
• Must have successfully completed the DARE Program in elementary, middle or high
• Must have completed junior year of high school at time of application
• Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 

• Must apply to an institution in the U.S.
• Must lead a lifestyle consistent with the goals and objectives of D.A.R.E.
Applicants must submit a portfolio that includes the following:
There will be three $500 scholarships awarded. (north, central, and south)
• DARE Scholarship Application Form (attached) _____
• An essay, 500-word maximum, addressing the topic “D.A.R.E.: How it has impacted my
life; how I will use these skills to contribute to society.” _____
• Written summary documenting academic achievements and extracurricular activities
that reflect the spirit and goals of D.A.R.E. _____
• Official sealed transcript of grades and scholastic scores _____

 • A letter of recommendation from a school administrator/educator _____
• A letter of recommendation for outstanding achievement in community service from a
source other than school administrators/educators or law enforcement officials _____
• Please note that portfolios that are not complete will not be considered.
1. Applicant’s application portfolio must submit their scholarship application portfolio to
be received NO LATER than 5pm on April 13, 2023. Applications will not be
considered if received after this deadline AND/OR if not completed with all the required
Applications are to be mailed to:
DARE Scholarship
PO Box 3863
Tupelo, MS 38803
2. The DARE Officers Association Board will review all applications and make a final
selection. The award recipient will be notified by email within one week after deadline.
• April 13, 2023 – Scholarship packets are due by 5pm
• DARE Officers Assoc of MS Board reviews and makes selection
• By April 21, 2023 - Winners will be notified via email
DARE Officers Association of Mississippi Scholarship Application Form
Full Name (first, mi, last): _________________________________________________________
Email (neatly): __________________________________________________________________
Mailing address (include city & zip): ________________________________________________
Contact phone: __________________________
Date of birth: ____________________________
Graduating High School & full address: ______________________________________________
Name of your DARE Officer:_______________________________________________________
DARE Officer’s Agency/Department ________________________________________________
School(s) at which you participated in the DARE Program components:
School Year
Elementary (5th or 6th grade): ________________________________________________
Or Middle School/Jr High (7th or 8th grade): ________________________________________
Or High School: _____________________________________________________________
Grade Point Average (inclusive of all high school semesters completed): ___________________
SAT Score: ______________________________ ACT score: ____________________________
List four colleges/universities that you have applied to for admission:
_____________________________________ __________________________________
_____________________________________ __________________________________
List other scholarships and amounts that you have been awarded:
1. _______________________________ $_________________________________
2. _______________________________ $_________________________________
3. _______________________________ $_________________________________
I certify that the information provided herein, and the contents of my portfolio are true, and that
I meet all eligibility requirements stated within the Scholarship Information Sheet. I give the DARE
Officers Association of MS permission to use my name and photo for publicity should I be the
recipient of the scholarship.
__________________________ (print name) ______________________________ (signature)
__________________ (date)

you can download the pdf from here

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